In 1940, it was asked if we might be driving a car like this in only two years. The novel cutaway turned the notion of how to design a car on its head: streamlined to look like “a giant aerial bomb on wheels,” with the engine in back, driver in the center, and rear passengers… Continue reading Futuristic Car Cutaway, 1940
Category: Vehicles
General category for cutaway drawings related to cars, trucks, and anything to do with land transport.
Cutaway of Admiral Byrd’s Antarctic Snow Cruiser, 1939
Click Here For Large (1353 x 1200 Pixels) In an issue of LIFE magazine from October 30, 1939 that I have is a great cutaway drawing of Admiral Byrd’s snow cruiser. Admiral Byrd was a naval officer who was the first person to reach the North and South Poles by air. At 55 feet… Continue reading Cutaway of Admiral Byrd’s Antarctic Snow Cruiser, 1939